Sonali Vongchusiri

Sonali is a highly-sensitive mom, with three deeply-feeling and strong-willed kids. It took a whole lot of time to see that just because her kids didn't respond to parenting methods the way experts said they would, and just because her family didn't fit society's ideal of a "perfect family," she wasn't a bad mom and she wasn't raising spoiled, snowflake kids. In fact, now she knows for sure that they rock!So, she is your sensitivity, needs, and regulation go-to-gal. She also happens to be legally blind and has albinism. When she finally realized, she did not need to “fit in” to “belong”, it gave her permission to find her own way. And now she supports others in doing the same.Her work is dedicated to sharing with parents how it is possible to have fun with high needs kids and to raise them to be kind and compassionate. Because she gets it - both from being THAT kid, and from having THOSE kids.